Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Well That Sucks

Finding kindred spirits seems to be an eternal struggle for me. I can find 'friends' people who will much around with me, people who will eat my food or maybe if I own something they want to use show up. But finding a true friend is a rare event in life.

I recently met a new friend. Ash. She was everything I wanted in a friend, and I was seeing her every few days. Strangely enough, magically, she was from my home town, and knew many of the people I knew growing up. But she was in the middle of some marital struggles, where here husband convinced her that they needed to be in an 'open relationship' that consisted of him going off and sleeping with other ladies and spending her money to do it, and not sleeping with her. Anyway. Push comes to shove I told her she needed to respect herself and stand up for her desires. So she did... and it culminated in her requesting a divorce from him. Yeah!!! But then she decided to move back to our home town. No. Bad friend. Don't go.... oh bye :(

In other words, I finally have developed some self respect. I never realized I was lacking this. Self respect is that emotion that makes you realize it is not YOUR fault when someone else takes insult in your honesty and good willed actions. Self respect is that feeling of NO I do NOT deserve to be treated badly just because you have a lack of confidence. It is this amazing feeling where instead of being the victim and letting people hurt you, you flip them off and walk away leaving them angry and not caring that they are angry because that is their issue not yours.

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