Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Hobbit: A review/thoughts/Spoilers!

I enjoyed the new Hobbit movie, it was very good. It gave me many nerdgasims. I was so happy with all the added content from the Simiril. I am not in an eloquent mood so you can bet your bottom dollar this rant is going to be on the goofy rather than fancy side.

The music:Felt like remixes of the LOTR soundtrack.

Songs sung by characters:  SO amazing. One of my problems with the animated hobbit was that it made the entire thing seem so lighthearted and goofy. This goofiness was great in its own way. I mean the RotK 'Where there's a whip there's a way' is one of the best songs ever created in the history of ever. But it really simplified the iconic darkness down in the series.

Dwarves: OMG they made me finally fall in love with dwarves. 20 years after I was introduced to them I finally get them. I love dwarves now!!!!!

White council: I got in a huge fight with a friend over the presence of the white council in this movie. I feel like bringing it in really helped connect the two trilogies and was iconic and very good for the flow of the movie.

The brown wizard: This is my partner in 40 years. He will have a sled with cats as the mounts, just you watch. I loved him and his wacky wonderful personality.

In the end. The Hobbit iconizes everything I love about Tolkien and makes me excited to play more D&D.

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