Saturday, March 8, 2014

Passive Aggresive Posts on Facebook

I love my friends, I really do. Part of my loving my friends is any time I am bored and alone, I instant message several of them. Typically only 1 or 2 are actually on their computers. So I talk to whoever is in the mood to talk. I leave my computer on at all times and when I am AFK I turn off my monitor. Because energy saving=good. Or something like that.

Today on facebook one such friend that is on my 'close friends' list which also is my 'If I am going to IM someone, you get imed first' list posted this ridiculous post. His post was about people who im you 'hi' and then don't respond. I understand being frustrated by my habit of doing this. But really you don't need to post a Passive Aggressive post about it on facebook to express yourself about this manner when you could just idk call me up on the phone? I replied on his wall, and kinda identified myself as the person he was complaining about, and apologized. Rather than being like 'it is cool' he accused me of being 'dramatic' and then unfriended me. The last thing he did was send me a long rant about how I am self obsessed, dramatic, ect.

I guess good riddance? But uh, the drama was kinda started by him posting the PA post on facebook, not by anything I did... we only really talk about once a month these days. >.<

I feel slightly bleh, I have been the friend he has confided lots of secrets in, I sort of wonder if he worries I will reveal his non-vanilla lifestyle to his new friends?

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