Thursday, September 20, 2012

Katawa Shoujo: Hanaka Route


Well, if you have yet to realize I am on a VN kick. I have been been playing them like crazy. While investigating VNs I came upon a thread on Reddit and everyone was discussing this game. Katawa Shoujo. Or 'Imperfect Girl'. Intrigued as to it's popularity, I downloaded it. Only to realize that this game was written, programmed and drawn by 4chan. Shocked that such a website could pull off a game I was tenative to play it. Yet as I played my way through this game, I quickly realized that it was quite possibly one of the most brilliant fan made games I had ever seen.The plot is compelling and rich. I FELT the characters feelings. I was him. I had a heart condition. I loved this scarred and broken girl, I wanted her to be happy. I wanted to be part of the cause of that happiness. Hanaka has major hatred of everyone (wow sounds familiar *glances at her partner*), and thus isolates herself from the world. She is sophisticated, lovely and nerdy in her love for books. I did not find her scars appalling at all, and felt they made her unique. I finished this route in tears this morning. My only fear is that I won't enjoy the other routes in the game because I was so very connected to this one.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Da Capo:Mako Route

Da Capo:Mako Route (zomg spoilers!!)(also adult concepts)

So I finally finished Mako's route. I did NOT enjoy this route. Mako wants to be fake boyfriend girlfriend to ward off suitors she is not interested in and I get roped into it. Truth is she really likes the hero, and is being a coy bitch, and pretending our relationship is fake while all along really liking me. I felt so deceived. I dislike deception. So this really angered me. The sex scene felt very wrong. I pound away her virginity mercilessly from behind like an animal. At least the main character had the guts to feel like the tool he was after this scene. In the end I decide 'oh well I love her' and we end up together. *feels shitty some more...* Anyone else want to put a severe time limit on this relationship? I hope that Sakura's route is better. I have been avoiding hers because it is so Loli.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Clannad: Misae Path

Clannad: Misae Path(spoilers!)

Finally got a copy of Clannad working on my computer. Just finished Misae's path. This is a very sad story. I *cried*. No sex was had. It is more a story of companionship, healing and stagnation. I really like Misae. She is very endearing. I am glad I played her path first. The photo above is from the anime, Misae does not have any CG in the game. Probably the shortest route in the game.

Speaking of short routes, I am ALMOST done with Mako's route in Da Capo... but meh I don't like her. Will post about it once I finish it.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Da Capo: Nemu Route

Again. Many spoilers below!

So Nemu was my favorite character in the Da Capo anime. I related to her jealousy and sadness mixed with her happiness. I did not feel this happiness in the VN. I felt lots of bossiness, neediness and stupidity. Of course I watched the anime in HS and I am now well into my mid-20s. Nemu has problems with having two souls in her body, and when they both fall in love they can't be contained and she starts fainting and coughing sakura petals. It is rather disturbing to think about. I probably should be disturbed that this route is incest.... but I am not. They are not REALLY siblings, they are friends and his parents adopted her when hers died in a car accident. Overall I enjoyed her route better than Moe's but I feel like I missed a sex scene since there was only one. But that might be because she is sickly and incest is suppose to be creepy. Next up? Mako!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Da Capo: Moe route

Warning, if you ever want to play the VN: Da Capo, you might not want to read this. Spoilers!

I just finished Moe's route on Da Capo, and I really feel bad for this character she is so simple and traumatized and people seem to take no notice of her beyond the protagonist and her sister, Mako. How is it that no one took the sleeping pills away from her or explained to her that her friend was dead? I feel like a whole lot of enablement and lack of care took place in her storyline. It was rather distressing. If the protagonist ever leaves her (most HS relationships don't work out) she is going to become almost worthless in her levels of mental brokeness. On the upper hand, her food sounds delicious!