Tuesday, September 24, 2013


I am really getting tired of how flaky people are! You invite them to things, they get all excited, then they bail without even a text. Do you humans even realize how cruel this is? Many days I set something with someone and I turn everyone else down to spend that time with you. When I wait all day for you to show up you have literally WASTED MY DAY. I am over it. I really am. At least TEXT someone if you are not going to show up or let them know WHEN your plans change.

Or when I am DMing and my party expects your character to be there, and they don't fill the role your character is filling, that is infuriating too. If you don't want to play with my group. Just tell me. Don't wait until the day before when I contact you for NOTES on your character to tell me you are bailing. UGGG.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Wheel of Time: Eye of the World 4/5 Stars

This is the 2nt time I have read this book. I remember the first time was a completely different experience. Amazing what ten years between reading a book can do for you mentally!

Spoilers Ahead!
I really hate the Egwene now, before I felt that Rand DESERVED to be with her and was making a mistake when he looked at other women. Now I feel like she is a bossy spoiled brat, getting everyone almost killed repeatedly. Lan reminds me of my boyfriend. Perrin is still cool. Mat is a rogue stereotype. Not having anything remotely sexual blacked out was a refreshing change (my best friend Ali-edited the books in HS so her little brother could read them). I felt myself shuddering as the characters walked through the blight. I could smell the rotten plants, feel the panic when the trees chased them. I wanted to hide when the No faced men chased them. I FELT this book. A book that can make me feel is good indeed.

Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun

I watched this anime with the same enthusiasm I watch most Shojou anime. Which is actually quite a bit. I was hoping for a complicated romantic story with interesting characters and a thrilling plot. That is really not what I got. This anime almost qualifies as slice of life. It has no really defined ending. The plot arches are not wrapped up at the end of the anime. It feels a bit too much like just a blip from real life... but not really at all.

It is very hard to relate with the main character. Yes she is driven, but she is constantly succeeding and getting her way. Being the top person grades wise at your school is just this unheard of idea for me.

The secondary main girl was much more interesting.She was beautiful and hated guys for noticing this in her. Underneath her looks she really was a nerd, popular on BBS and good at working with technology and with that she didn't care about school (much more like a real girl IMO!)

Overall I give this anime a 2.5/5 stars. It was beautiful. It had potential. But it just fell short for me.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Usagi Drop

Usagi Drop has got to be one of the sweetest anime I have ever watched. It evokes emotions and feels every which way.  If you can make it through this anime without feeling anything you probably are the coldest human on Earth. No, seriously.

As someone who was adopted, and has spent most of my life feeling unwanted this anime absolutely hit home.

There were a few things that irked me. For one the opening sequence was pretty boring. I am a big sucker for a good opening. And this anime did not have a good one.  The music is not that exciting in the opening either.

But the actual anime is beautifully animated. The character interactions are adorable. If all children were like the little girl in this anime (or Nanako) I might be actually willing to consider having a child one day. *sighs* alas most kids are rotten creatures. I know I was.

The dynamics between the grandson and his very young aunt who he is taking care of are adorable. I love how he had never had to worry about anyone other than himself and suddenly finds himself having to open his eyes to a whole new world of caring for this little girl.

Solid 5/5 I wish they would make a 2nt Season to cover the rest of the Manga... Which goes into the little girls teenage years.

Saturday, September 14, 2013


Finally finished watching Trigun, after oh. You know... 14 years of being an anime fan girl. Talk about being behind the curve...

I watched this anime several times as a girl. But never to completion. My friends would rant and rave about it. But all I ever really saw when I tried to watch it as a girl were guns, ugly girls and an ugly planet. I never saw deeper into the story line during that part of my life.

Spoilers Ahead
So Tom finally made me finish it, and this anime did a good job making me hate humanity. Pretty much the entire anime is about a creature trying to save its race, which is enslaved to humans. And his naive brother foolishly protecting the very creatures who are destroying their own species.

I liked Knives. I can see good in other characters, but it hurts me how overpoweringly stupid the good characters tend to be. Good for the sake of good just gets other people killed. If your entire race was being killed off/enslaved by another... wouldn't you want to kill them and hate them?