Tuesday, September 24, 2013


I am really getting tired of how flaky people are! You invite them to things, they get all excited, then they bail without even a text. Do you humans even realize how cruel this is? Many days I set something with someone and I turn everyone else down to spend that time with you. When I wait all day for you to show up you have literally WASTED MY DAY. I am over it. I really am. At least TEXT someone if you are not going to show up or let them know WHEN your plans change.

Or when I am DMing and my party expects your character to be there, and they don't fill the role your character is filling, that is infuriating too. If you don't want to play with my group. Just tell me. Don't wait until the day before when I contact you for NOTES on your character to tell me you are bailing. UGGG.

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