Thursday, June 7, 2012

College and Adulthood

As a young person, I imagined a glorious life, where I could drink as much coffee as I wanted and read whatever books I wanted from a library. It was my initial dream of escaping the ill definded set confines of my parents. I grew up in a religious home that made me think marriage and children was the only option for a women. Yet I strived for the college degree, I wanted to be more than just a mother. I did not even really want to BE a mother. There was a point where I hit hormones and dreamed of becoming the wife of a guy from church who was running off to be a missionary. Fortunately for me before such a foul thing happened he found a girl and got engaged and ran off with her.

College was time of struggle for me, I had come from a homeschooled background and suddenly every value I had ever held was questioned. There was sex, nudity, sexy women and even  drugs all around me. I was in culture shock, and I was in love with all the new ideas. Once I got past the wonderment of college life, I started striving towards college degrees. Knowledge became so important, I did lots of delayed gratification, dreaming that after college I would find a job as a scientist, own a little house, maybe have a husband and lots of cats and live happily ever after. WHAT WAS I THINKING. Not only are jobs a struggle to find, but most of them require a complete deletion of conscious, morals and enjoyment of life.  I know a handful of people who love their jobs, but most of them are either completely different personality types than me or liars that cheat their way into things.

So here I am, post college, and I really just want to go back to my wonderful world of academics and focus on school again. So of course you can guess what I am doing :-p

Note to new college students. Don't do a degree that is fun, do a degree that is useful. Also go to grad school.

Adulthood stinks. I hate having to clean my house, balance checkbooks and figure out where the  next meal is coming from. That is why I sit around reading books from the library, and work at a coffee shop drinking as much coffee as I want and ignoring my chores. So in a way have I not won at life for now? My initial dream is here. Unlimited coffee and unlimited books. Not to mention of have a smoking hot boyfriend, three cats, and get to go to arcades multiple times a week.

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