Sunday, June 24, 2012

Old and Entitled

Do you ever run into people who are old, and thus feel they are entitled to be dicks? People who believe they deserve extra respect just for being alive longer, not for special merit? Well today I ran into one of these people.

My job at 'undisclosed coffee shop' provides wireless for free TO OUR CUSTOMERS. There is a sign on the window offering 'free wifi', to portray this. Any sane person understand that if you are going to go to a coffee shop and use their wireless, you are expected to buy some, anything, to claim your right to be there. It is just a kind of 'street knowledge'
Well today an old man came into my shop, asked me about my menu, said he wanted a coffee and would be back later. He came back later today and sat down, and got out his Mac (don't get me started on my disgust of mac users) and asked me to help him connect to the internet. After spending 10 minutes explaining (and looking up mac tutorials on my work computer because fuck macs I am not going to waste my time learning how to use inferior hipster technology)  I finally get him set up with the internet, and I offer to get a coffee started for him (as we had discussed before) and he gruffly is like 'NO' and I thought 'well maybe he will order it later' and went about my business of running my shop. About half an hour later he makes a backhanded snarky comment and the music being 'stupid young people music' then later tells some misogynist joke about football which makes me want to snore.
So it comes close to close and I have just been slammed with my normal 'oh man the shop is closing in 30 minutes we ALL have to go NOW' crowd. I am cleaning up and tell the man we are closed. He looks at his clock and grumbles and super slowly starts packing up. I then say 'By the way, next time you come in I would like it if you purchased something, if you are going to sit here for hours...' And oh man the jerk exploded out of him. He started giving me lip about some made up in his head oregon law that if I have 'free wifi' he is entitled to use my internet without a purchase. To which I reply that we are a business and our free wifi is for CUSTOMERS not random smucks off the street(ok I implied the smucks part I don't have the gall or bad customer service/jerktude to actually say that out loud). Then he gives me some speech about 'knowing' one of my co-workers and how he had planned to come by for breakfast tomorrow(we are not open until noon good luck with that one). But god. The nerve. I was BEING POLITE. He was sucking up electricity, making requests and mooching our internet. How dare he be a jerk to me after all the effort I put into him when he gave me no tips and paid for nothing. If he comes in again without ordering I am accidentally going to block his IP and act like I am too stupid to know what is going on when he whines.

/end rant

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