Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Shades of Grey:Chapters 2-8

Ok so this book kept me up all night last night, I kept wanting to read more.Well I did. It was good, until the sex scene. When they started having sex, well I have read better sex scenes in fanfiction.


There is a scene where her best friend Jose trying to force himself on her, what is it about jerky best friend males forcing themselves on you? I had a guy friend do this to me in my first college experience and it is pretty traumatizing. You know what is more traumatizing, the ridiculous feeling in ones head that future moronic choices they make are somehow your fault because you did not give them what they wanted.

Kate: Kate seems awesome, it bothers me that Ana pities her after she has sex with Christians brother. A women who knows what she wants and takes it is top form in *my* book.

That being said, Christian has gone from perfect dom to needy and creepy, and the book is losing its appeal quickly now that they have had sex.

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