Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Repuation is a weird thing. A person can be manipulative and a liar and do multiple illegal things, but put on a fake nice face and people think they are a 'nice person'. Ignoring all facts otherwise. These fake popular people must feel a lot of stress trying to keep up a nice person persona in public. It is far easier to be overly outspoken and a bit rude, and not actually try and manipulate people in my experience. Sure you might not win 'friends' but is someone really your friend if you have to put on airs whenever they are around? I take pride in that all my friends know who I am, they know I am loud, straightforward, and yet kind. I do not HAVE hidden motivations behind my friendships. I don't need 'power', I want friends that ACTUALLY care about the REAL me. Not some persona. Thus really I am happy for my intelligent friends that can make perception checks and ignore other fake people and realize that I am their friend, and as long as they don't lie to me things are all good in the hood.

1 comment:

  1. 2 quotes, both from "A Civili Campaign" by Lois McMaster Bujold. (favorite author)
    - "A useful distinction, to clarify thought.".."Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself."..."The friction tends to arise when the two are not the same."

    - "Lately, I have come to believe that the principal difference between heaven and hell is the company you keep there."
